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Like A Quantum Coach

An online, on-demand course that will radically shift your energetic relationship with money and teach you how to manifest + receive abundance for your work in the world with ease

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I know you have dreams of being a world-class coach standing onstage and facilitating massive transformation.

The #1 way to bring those dreams to life is to be able to receive money and be highly paid for your work.  

If you're not willing to be paid for your life-changing work, how do you expect to be the world-class leader you see so clearly in your head?

It's all about rewiring and taking massive action to manifest your biggest vision and impact in your business.

Impact = Income!


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The key to manifesting abundance, wealth, success, and money?




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Learning how to RECEIVE it. 


So, how do we do that?


-> By sending a different message to the universe

-> By rewiring our beliefs around money 

-> By making an investment in the name of abundance 



In this program, we pair energy and belief work with practical tools to help you...


→Put yourself out there

Ask for the sale

Share your offers

→Attract dream clients

Price your offers to call in massive success


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"Since learning the money manifestation method, I broke through my limiting beliefs around money, manifested more sales than ever in my business, and received a raise in my 9 to 5! It is worth every penny! You can't put a price on bettering yourself, and you will definitely get your money's worth and more! 

I also received back more in taxes than imagined. This program literally helps you get into a love relationship with money."

Cynthia Dumas, Trauma Release Coach

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"Ashley's money manifestation method has completely changed my view on money. I’ve had huge expansion in my business! I’ve had the biggest paychecks while having the easiest months. Less work and more money! I’ll take it all day. Creating space has allowed me to realize my purpose, my path. And I’ve had THE MOST FUN growing my business I’ve ever had!!!!! I now know that I am WORTHY of incredible amounts of money. I know now that all I have to do is ask and act as if. As a result of Ashley's coaching, I have successfully switched my mindset from a lack mindset to an abundance mindset and reality!!!"  

Erica Acosta, Young Living Leader 

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"Since learning Ashley's money manifestation method, I have become more abundant than I have ever been in my adult life! My husband and I are in the middle of selling our home and buying a new one as well as trading in our car.

I found out this week that we are getting $100,229 from selling our home. That is way, way more than we anticipated for our house, AND we are getting $1,880 back from our car warranty. Thanks to Ashley's coaching, money is flowing in better than ever! I am so grateful!" 

Olivia Chatterton, Mom-preneur and business owner

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 4 jam-packed, self-paced modules detailing the powerful process of releasing, rewiring, and receiving

Abundance, money, and HAR meditations

Workbooks and homework to help you dive deeper

Lifetime access to the program

Plus even more bonuses worth $750!
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NOW IS YOUR TIME - claim your access to Receive Like A Quantum Coach now!


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