“Ashley, how can I attract more clients? I am so ready for this to happen!"


I know you are, boo! I hear this ALL. THE. TIME.

But why are good coaches struggling to grow their businesses?!

The truth is... 

  • They have no idea what their ideal client needs or how to talk about their problems.

  • They don't know how to create, position, and describe their offers in a way that resonates with their ideal clients.


And all of this keeps them in a cycle of not showing up and not selling.

But why are good coaches struggling to grow their businesses?!

The truth is... 

  • They have no idea what their ideal client needs or how to talk about their problems

  • They don't know how to create, position, and speak about their offers in a way that resonates with their ideal clients


And all of this keeps them in a cycle of 'not showing up' and 'not selling'.

Here’s the thing, love.

You don’t want to close just anyone, you want soulmate clients.

You want to hold space for the clients who you absolutely adore and you know are going to see a HUGE transformation while working with you.

You want to attract your people who are ready to make powerful investments in themselves. No more money objections!

I want that for you, too!

Your dream clients are waiting for you to show up.

It’s time to uplevel your life and business with

Magnetic Sales Mastery


This could be your reality...

✨ You stand out as a leader because your energy is speaking louder than your words.

✨ Your coaching spots sell out because people already adore you!

✨ New leads roll in that are already sold on working with you because you've masterfully positioned yourself and your work as the solution to their problem.

✨ You feel magnetic AF sharing your offers. No more launch crickets for you, my friend!



Magnetic Sales Mastery

This course gives you the energetic uplevel that pairs soul and strategyΒ to close not just any client, but close soulmate clients and get you paid.



Within each module, 'Be the Leader', 'Be the Solution', and 'Be the Magnet', you will learn how to:

  • Master the Mindset of a Confident and Successful Coach: Embody your Big Coach Energy and become the most confident + competent coach in the room.
  • Research Your Ideal Client Avatar: Learn every aspect of your dream client’s biggest fears, hopes, and dreams so you can speak directly to their heart and make them feel deeply understood.
  • Copy Stalk: Find your ideal client avatar's specific language so you can mirror it back to them.

BONUS: Money Magnet Meditation


Growing a successful coaching business doesn't have to be hard.

That's why I created Magnetic Sales Mastery, so coaches like you can confidently attract your ideal clients who are looking for the solution you offer!

Take a peek inside Magnetic Sales Mastery...

Are you ready to be the Leader, Solution, and Magnet for soulmate clients who already know they're meant to work with you?


I know you’re feeling so done with:

⇨ Posting consistently but only having your family, friends, or worse…other coaches comment.

⇨ Trying to talk to your ideal client but getting no bites on your content or offers.

⇨ Feeling desperate to find clients, wondering if your biz is ever going to take off.

⇨ Not knowing where to even focus your energy to find your ideal clients. Podcasts? Facebook? Email?

Magnetic Sales Mastery is for you!

Have we officially met?


I'm Ashley Gordon, and I’m obsessed with helping you become the best coach ever. #BCE

I’m the founder of the Quantum Coaching Academy, and I've created a multiple 6-figure, soon-to-be 7-figure business as a life and business coach. I absolutely love teaching other coaches how to create massive transformations for their clients.

I'm proud to say that I've certified over a hundred Quantum Coaches who have stepped into their gifts, become powerful industry leaders, and seen epic paydays for their work in the world. Some of my clients have grown from $0 to consistent $5K to $30K+ months in under 3 months, all with the coaching method I will share with you inside Magnetic Sales Mastery!



it magnetizes.

I already know you’re inspiring TF out of your audience, and they’re loving what you’re creating.

But that inspiration isn’t turning into closed clients, which can be really frustrating. You're putting in all the effort and not getting back the return you thought you would.

What if the secret to closing dream clients wasn’t only about creating stellar content, but attracting them energetically?

The truth is, it’s not about what you're doing.

It’s about who you're being.

If you’re ready to RISE UP, unafraid, owning your energy and expertise…

then you need to get your hands on:

Magnetic Sales Mastery

This course gives you the energetic uplevel that pairs soul and strategy to close not just any client, but close soulmate clients and get you paid.



Within each module, 'Be the Leader', 'Be the Solution', and 'Be the Magnet', you will learn how to:

  • Master the Mindset of a Confident and Successful Coach: Embody your Big Coach Energy and become the most confident + competent coach in the room.
  • Research Your Ideal Client Avatar: Learn every aspect of your dream client’s biggest fears, hopes, and dreams so you can speak directly to their heart and make them feel deeply understood.
  • Copy Stalk: Find your ideal client avatar's specific language so you can mirror it back to them.

BONUS: Money Magnet Meditation



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